Happy Independence Day

Hurray!!! It’s Nigeria’s independence – a special day for our great country. So, join us as we celebrate.

Champions, You’re Welcome Back

It is always a thing of joy and pride to receive great MINDS back to their domain after a vacation. Join us as we bid our great Champions welcome to the term’s academic work.

Champions Are Selfless

Sacrificial living is one of the rare attributes that promotes good-neighbourliness for a better society. Join the De-Gifted MIND Schools to learn this uncommon quality.

Champions Are Politically Active

Political consciousness enables citizens to participate in the governance of society. Join the De-Gifted MIND Schools and become politically active.

Corporate Social Responsibility

As part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR), the De-Gifted MIND schools carried out a road rehabilitation project on the street where the school is located at Celestial Road, behind MFM Prayer City in July 2022. It is our humble way of contributing to the...
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